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Mastering Commercial Lawn Maintenance in Delaware County

Jun 20, 2024

Keeping up with routine lawn maintenance is one of the most important aspects of commercial landscaping. Not only are lawns generally the biggest and most prominent features of any commercial landscape, but without proper care, lawns can go from being lush and green to a brown and patchy mess in what seems like an instant. 

Chester County property owners know just how important it is to maintain a healthy lawn, but doing so can be nearly impossible without a bit of help. So, just who can property owners trust with all their lawn maintenance needs?

R&S Property Services: Chester County’s One-Stop Shop For Everything Commercial Lawn Maintenance

Here at R&S Property Services, we’re proud to be the leading commercial landscaping company in Chester County, offering a comprehensive range of commercial lawn maintenance services that make maintaining a lush, green lawn simple and easy. 

With over 15 years in the industry, our team of passionate lawn care experts is one of the best in the business and has long played a key role in keeping lawns all over Chester County healthy and green all year long.

There are plenty of common problems that can cause a property’s lawn to suffer, but with R&S Property Services on your side, you’ll never have to worry about any of them. So, if you’re sick and tired of your brown, patchy lawn bringing your commercial property’s curb appeal down, here are all the ways that we can help.

Routine Lawn Mowing and Trimming 

Keeping up with routine mowing and trimming is crucial to maintaining a healthy and attractive lawn, so it’s no surprise that our lawn mowing and trimming services are some of the most popular services that we offer. 

Our team is well-equipped with all the experience, knowledge, and lawn-cutting equipment necessary to keep even the largest lawns fresh and well-kept all season long. And, with convenient and flexible weekly and biweekly scheduling options, you’ll never have to worry about your lawn getting out of hand again. 

Turf Fertilization 

Grass needs a lot more than just sunshine and water to grow green and healthy. In order to thrive, it also needs a number of essential nutrients, including nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and more. 

Nothing can ruin a lawn faster than brown patches of dead grass, but if your soil doesn’t have enough of these essential nutrients, brown patches are an inevitability. Our turf fertilization services ensure that this doesn’t happen by providing all the essential nutrients your lawn needs to fend off disease and grow greener and healthier than ever before. 

Weed Control 

Unwanted weeds can be a huge nuisance in lawns, both big and small, but our top-of-the-line weed control services are here to make your weed problems a thing of the past. Getting rid of weeds can be tricky, especially when you need to make sure that the grass around them doesn’t get harmed. But our team of experienced lawn care specialists can apply a number of advanced techniques and commercial lawn care products that keep your grass green and weeds at bay.

an R&S Property Services riding lawn mower on a freshly cut lawn next to a pond

Lawn Aeration

Lawn aeration is often overlooked by people outside of the lawn care industry, but it is also an incredibly important and effective technique that plays a key role in getting your lawn the water and nutrients it needs to thrive. 

When you choose R&S Property Services to aerate your lawn, we’ll use our advanced aeration equipment to core holes into your lawn, allowing water, oxygen, and other nutrients to penetrate deeper into the ground where they can more easily get sucked up by the grass’s roots. All of this leads to a much healthier and more resilient lawn that is ready to take on even the hottest summer days. 


Even the most well-maintained lawns will need some extra seeding every now and then, and our overseeding services are here to do exactly that. Whether you’re dealing with dead patches, or just think your lawn is getting a bit thin, our overseeding services can improve grass density and lessen the negative effects of the natural grass aging process.

Irrigation Management

No lawn can thrive without enough water, and whether it's due to natural uneven draining patterns, coverage that blocks rainfall, or a lack of rain in general, there are plenty of things that can prevent parts of your lawn from getting enough water. 

Here at R&S Property Services, we specialize in designing and maintaining efficient and effective irrigation systems that ensure every inch of your lawn gets the water it needs to thrive

Fall Leaf Removal

When the weather starts to cool down and leaves begin to fall, it can leave your otherwise pristine lawn covered in an unruly mess of dead leaves that stick around for months. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. 

In addition to all of our other commercial lawn maintenance services, we also offer fall leaf cleanup to all of our commercial clients, ensuring that even the largest properties won’t be littered with dead leaves for long.

R&S Property Services work truck and trailer parked in front of a client’s recently cut lawn

Contact R&S Property Services Today

Has your commercial property’s lawn seen better days? Give us a call. Our friendly team of lawn care experts is always here to answer questions and will happily tell you more about how we can help you meet all your commercial lawn maintenance needs. We’ll even offer you a free estimate to get things started. So, don’t settle for anything less than the lush green lawn your commercial property deserves. Contact R&S Property Services today!

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